Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Can you see us?

the 'kiddish' acts

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A Little Personal Touch

Deary is so romantic!
*Love him!*
I was having a dreadful day today, until he tried to cheer me up with this song

( Listen to it, it's playing now!)
I thought it was so darn creative & romantic of him! Muacks!
Thank you for always being there for me <3
16 more days to our anniversary *loves*

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Allow me to rot!

Well, a very belated

to everyone! Gosh haven't really got a chance to wish everyone. So *BIG HUGGIES* hAppy merriest new year again! May 2008 be an awesome year ya!

Well, did alot of outings and gatherings, definitely not forgetting all the cam-whorings, you know girls just enjoyed that so much. However, the most frustrating thing is, shoot shoot shoot, the uploading part is extremely long, took me like decades to upload all of them, made me felt so old!! So buddies, got to wait for a LITTLE while, for me to get all the photos upload k? Bear with me ya *huggies*

School starts yesterday...school is equal to hundreds, thousands, millions and even trillions of datelines..nevertheless, sch is still quite enjoyable, at least for now =)

WORK! During the holidays, got a waiteressing job, hated it quite alot, cos it was rather tough, no choice for the sake of money..haa..maybe it is a good opportunity for me to toughed up myself..can't always except good good welfare like CG..got to adapt! Told some of my friends about this job, they gave me really good encouragment..well, guess, we can't always expect life to be so good, right? Thanks to you guys, you know who you are...thank you

Oh ya, and the tuition agency finally called, i took up an assignment offered by them, will be teaching a primary 2 students, this coming monday..two times a week, 1.5hr.

Now i had got two part time jobs! Oh my goodness! Haa, well, i hoped i can coped it, if not i just have to forgo one of them

Well, enough of all these studies and work..say something that will spur me further: YOU CAN DO IT! YES, I BELIEVE I CAN!
